トレーニング と認定
対話型のチュートリアル、講師によるトレーニング、そして認定制度を通して、Sumo Logicの理解を深めましょう。
対話型のチュートリアル、講師によるトレーニング、そして認定制度を通して、Sumo Logicの理解を深めましょう。
本格的な実践ラボで、Sumo Logicに関する知識をさらに深めましょう。レベル2とレベル3の認定を取得してSumo Logicのエキスパートに。
9:00am - 4:00pm JST
Gain broad knowledge analyzing logs and metrics with the Fundamentals Certification. Get Sumo Logic up and running and learn to do simple filtering, data parsing, and analysis.
Build on the knowledge gained in Fundamentals to do more in-depth analysis of logs and metrics. Identify critical events with ease and create the dashboards and alerts necessary to monitor your environment.
Receive critical Administration expertise on how to set up your organization with Sumo Logic as well as how to optimize and manage queries and content to make the whole team more effective.
Learn how our Threat Intelligence can help you stay on top of your environment by matching IOCs like IP address, domain names, email addresses, and MD5 hashes. Also learn how to analyze AWS data to monitor account usage and monitor security groups effectively.
Build on the knowledge gained in Fundamentals to do more in-depth analysis with metrics. Identify critical events with ease and create the dashboards and alerts necessary to monitor your environment.
Swiftly navigate through Kubernetes cluster name spaces, services, nodes, and deployments and master monitoring and troubleshooting Kubernetes from alerts and dashboards to customized templates to address key use cases.
Learn about Sumo Logic’s three pillars of the observability solution including Metrics, Tracing, and Logs and will become conversant with the use of the tools that will help you identify the root cause of an outage and trace the incidents to troubleshoot an issue.
Deploy the AWS Observability solution using Cloudformation Template, gathering metrics from a Kubernetes cluster, and establishing trace points to gather trace data using Open Telemetry.
Learn how Cloud SIEM ingests your data and turns it into actionable security Insights. Get hands-on practice with threat investigation, take actions on Insights, and learn the basics of SOC content creation, like writing rules and custom Insights.
Learn how to set up data ingestion for Cloud SIEM, including writing custom log and ingest mappings. Customize your environment with a deep dive into custom rules and Insight Actions.
Learn how to use Cloud SOAR to automate your security operations center. Investigate an Incident to determine and orchestrate a response using automated Playbooks. Create and export custom dashboards and reports.
Configure a security operations center along with the RBAC controls to secure your SOC, create users, and groups, and understand RBAC settings in Cloud SOAR. Configure data sources, custom fields, and incident templates.
With our Self-Paced eLearning, you can learn
Sumo Logic courses at your own pace, anywhere, without time
constraints. By the end of the self-paced program, you will be prepared
to pass your Sumo Logic certification exam.
The self-paced program is easy to access directly from the product. Just go to the Certification tab and click Get-Certified.
We’ve done studies that show when you are certified with Sumo Logic, you gain greater insight into your data and search more efficiently. Good luck on your journey!
データ、クエリ、ダッシュボードを使用して、チームが幅広いSumo Logic機能を学べるオンラインセッションです。データ コレクション、検索と分析、監視と視覚化について学びます。このコースの修了時には、データを取り込み、基本的な検索を実行し、洞察に満ちたダッシュボードに変換できるようになります。
$5,000 + 交通費と食費