The Sumo Logic logo is the most concise and visible representation of our brand. The logo is made up of a customized wordmark and may not be altered in any way. In logo format, Sumo Logic is represented in all lower case. In written format, Sumo Logic should always appear as two words in title case. In order to develop a consistent experience and perception of Sumo Logic, complete adherence to these logo usage guidelines across all applications should be the mandate.

Color versions
Color and reversed logo
There are two primary versions of the Sumo Logic logo: color and reversed. Always use the color version against a white background. It may also be applied over light background colors when white is not available.
The reversed logo works best when reversed out of the primary Sumo Logic blue as well as darker colors that provide enough contrast. (see color section)
Black logo
Use the black version of the Sumo Logic word mark when reproduction is limited to black and white or if your overall color palette is monochromatic.
Please note: The Sumo Logic logo is either white, black or Sumo blue. See examples below for the correct color application based on type of background.
The only exception if it's being printed on glass or a material where the logo absolutely cannot be white, black or Sumo blue.